Thursday, February 20, 2014

Four Dates, One Man

First dates hardly even count.  My friend and I have joked that when you're internet dating, you should really just meet on a street corner, introduce yourself, and exchange business cards so you can contact each other if you're interested.  Within ten seconds of meeting we know if there is a potential connection, and we could all save a lot of time by keeping the first interaction to a minimum.

Second dates are made to seal the attraction.  If two people aren't picturing each other naked, it's best to cut the two date loss of time and move along.

Third dates are for getting naked.  Often it ends there.

By the time two people agree to a fourth date, things are moving along.  The fourth date doesn't imply a relationship, but it allows the right to claim "I've been dating someone," which is a pretty big deal in my world.  Four dates in, hot topics have already been covered: religion, past relationships, drug use, whether or not you want a family...  Two people know they like each other, so potential dealbreakers are laid on the table.  The only thing left to do with four dates under your belt is to try to answer the question, with each subsequent interaction, "Do I want a relationship with this person?"

On that account, I am still undecided.  It's only been four dates for crying out loud!  But I'm interested enough to give it an honest shot and see where this apartment building romance goes.

For the first time since May 2011, I deactivated my OkCupid account.


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