Saturday, November 2, 2013

What Do Men Say After Sex?

Last night after having sex, Recovering Alcoholic gave me a compliment:

"Jesus you're great in bed... And you're very kind too."

I laughed out loud.  It was sweet and honest, spoken at a vulnerable moment.  Which got me thinking about the other things men have said to me in the post-coitus minutes.  Here are some winners:

 "R___, you are so hot. I can't get enough of your body.  You are so fucking hot!  But you're also SO FUCKING emotionally unavailable.  I just can't read you."

"Just out of curiosity, how would you describe the taste of my cum?"

"I'm sorry I'm so quiet."

"Can you give me a back massage?"

"Who does your taxes?"

"I want some pie."

"I'm sorry I'm not gonna cum.  I did a lot of coke."

And my all time favorite:

"I love you.  I mean, I love your pussy."


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