Thursday, September 11, 2014

More First Dates

32 men sent me messages in the two weeks that I reactivated my OkCupid account, and I didn't respond to a single one.  Confirming that women hold the numeric edge in Seattle internet dating, three out of the four men I messaged wrote back.

Bam-Bam-Bam!  #66, #67, and #68 were in quick succession, all in the same week.  A nurse, a digital marketing executive, and a biology teacher.  Two Jewish, two Seattle born-and-raised, all intelligent, all attractive, all well-traveled, and all awesome.  I had three solid dates in a row with men who were 100% normal and could hold an interesting conversation.  There was nothing wrong with any of them, except for the underlying issue that has plagued my romantic life since I began developing sex hormones. 

No chemistry.

Is it my chronic allergic rhinitis that has dulled my sense of smell to the point where I can't detect pheromones?  Was it the fact that none of them had been arrested?  I wish there was an easy answer, but that *zing* is so hard for me to find.  Dating is easier when you're attracted to more people.

I know my selection process is getting better because none of the men contacted me afterwards.  They had enough interpersonal skills to realize the absence of a romantic connection, and we went our separate ways thanking the other for a good time without making vague, fake plans to see each other again.  Gone are the days of men professing how amazing I am while I stare in disbelief, wondering how they saw any connection at all.  Things are looking better.


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