Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What Happens When I Try to Meet Men Offline

My friend and I sat at a booth in Sun Liquor Distillery last night, drinking cocktails and catching up on our love (or lack thereof) lives, when she noticed a man sitting by himself at the bar.

"Oh my God, I think that guy keeps showing up in my OkCupid matches!  Want to see?"

We took at look at the profile in question.  Not only was it the same man, but he was wearing the exact same shirt and hat as in his pictures.  Leave it to an eligible Seattle bachelor to have a single presentable outfit.

He also, as OkCupid noted, was online at that moment.  We glanced over and saw him on his cell phone, clearly scrolling through potential matches.

The weirdness of the situation was too much for me to handle.  We were two single women staring at a single man- all of us on the same internet dating website- yet not talking to each other at a bar.  Is this what dating has come to?  We sit alone and drink alcohol, searching for love online while being oblivious to the people around us?

Two drinks in and I knew I had to say hello.  Maybe we'd like each other!  Maybe he'd like my friend!  I am on a mission to encourage the Seattle organic dating process, and this was too obvious of an opportunity to ignore.

"Hey, you're on OkCupid, right?", I jumped right in.  He was surprised and said "maybe."

"You keep showing up in my friend's matches so I wanted to come over and say hi."

"Oh, well tell your friend it's perfectly legal to send a message.  She doesn't have to wait for me to contact her."

Alternatively, I thought later, you could walk 15 feet to your left and say hello to my friend IN PERSON.  Or you could thank your lucky stars that a woman just approached you in a bar, realize that perhaps she is interested, and flirt back.  Or you could not be interested in either of the women but still drop your phone for five minutes and meet some new people because you're sitting at a bar by yourself and really, what else are you doing with your life?

Or you could be totally awkward, not make eye contact, and mumble something about the weirdness of internet dating.  Yeah, do that.


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